"Let us all remain as empty as possible, so that God can fill us. Even God cannot fill what is already full." (Mother Theresa)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Folks in the Pews

Last Sunday I went to a small church in the area and attended worship simply as part of the congregation.  That was something I have not done in quite a while!  It was good to experience just what it is like to come to a worship service not knowing any of the folks in the pews because it showed me quite viscerally what first time visitors in our church may go through:

1.  Is it better to arrive a good 15 minutes early, so you don't walk in after worship has started?  Or is it better to slip in just a couple of minutes before the service starts, so you won't be noticed?  I chose to compromise - arriving about 7 minutes beforehand.

2.  Since most small churches don't have anyone as formal as an usher, will I end up unwittingly sitting in someone's "regular pew"?  This is of particular concern if you arrive prior to the start of worship.  This group seemed pretty laid back, so even if I did, no one got bent out of shape by my possible faux pas.

3.  If there is a coffee hour, do I attend (especially if someone invites me) - or do I just slip out, knowing that if I do, people may think I hadn't enjoyed myself?  There was no coffee hour following worship, so I didn't have to make that decision!

4.  Is there anything quirky about how the offering is taken or communion is shared?  I mean, after all, some churches pass the plate all the way across while others pass it only half way.  Some congregations wait to eat the bread until everyone is served.  Others eat it when they get it.  It is always a good idea to keep an eye on someone who looks like a regular.  No real surprises for me - except the communion cup holders that were passed around were like nothing I had ever seen before.  I almost got my hand stuck when I reached for a cup on the lower tier....

There are important lessons here for pastors, greeters, and deacons.  Being a church visitor is no easy task!

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